Dialogue Associates

Dialogue Skills

Introducing the basic communication skills required to work effectively in teams, in and in-between organisations, and in communities. 

We have developed a set of simple skills © Dialogue Associates that enable people to talk and think together skillfully and consistently, even where they don’t agree or see eye-to-eye.  With these skills you can:

  • get people engaged with each other, rather than having their attention elsewhere
  • avoid confusing interactions
  • reduce the repeated unproductive exchanges and make decisions together with others, rather than one view winning
  • talk together in-depth about any issue
  • focus the conversation with the right energy to do the work that is needed. 

The five levels enhance each other, so we recommend taking the time to build up the skill, ideally with the people you work with every day.  That way you have a shared language and framework for how you talk together, to get work done.  To complete the whole suite requires a minimum of 3 days, which can be spread over an extended period.  Learning the skills together can be a great intervention for a team, project group, or a set of stakeholders or partners.  Let’s talk to explore your needs…